Musical Practice Centers

The organizational structure of NEOJIBA has a total of 13 nuclei, the Central Nucleus of NEOJIBA (NCN), located in Salvador, plus 3 Territorial Nuclei in Feira de Santana, Vitória da Conquista and Teixeira de Freitas - created in 2019- and more 9 Music Practice Centers (NPM, in portuguese), based in different districts of the capital and in three o other cities in Bahia, Simões Filho, Lauro de Freitas and Jequié. 

The Musical Practice Centers are spaces for musical training and coexistence in NEOJIBA. With pedagogical and artistic challenges, children, adolescents and young people learn together in a collective environment. They offer classes in orchestral, instrumental, choral singing and musical language. They also promote activities to train young leaders and exchange with artists, other NEOJIBA Centers, institutions and partner social projects. 

All NPM have their own musical training. Bands, orchestras and chamber groups perform for free in public and community spaces, seeking integration with the local community and promoting and access to music. 

The NEOJIBA Central Nucleus is responsible for creating the institutional structure of the Musical Practice Centers and for the educational, social and logistical services that each of them offers in the territories where they are located. 

Each NPM has its own management system. It works in cooperation with government agencies - such as city halls and public schools - or non-government entities - such as associations, institutes, companies and private schools - in a relationship of partnership and mutual cooperation.