Almost every day, since NEOJIBA ONLINE started, videos are posted on NEOJIBA's YouTube channel and on the Program's social media (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter).
The productions integrate four main series: NEOJIBA at home, NEOJIBA Connected, NEOJIBA Inspires and NEOJIBA ONLINE.
Here, we gather the NEOJIBA ONLINE videos and some videos from the other series. All videos produced during the in-person activities suspension period are on our YouTube Channel.
In the NEOJIBA AT HOME series, our members and their families tell us how they’re experiencing NEOJIBA ONLINE and how their musical practice has been important in their routines. In this series, we also show how the mentoring member to member system works. Members of the Castro Alves and 2 de Julho Orchestras became godfathers/godmothers of members in initial formations. Neojidindos and Neojidindas give individual lessons to other younger members, putting into practice the NEOJIBA motto: “Learn Who Teaches”.
Post date: May 14 th 2020
Description: Music can’t stop! This has been a phrase from our members. It was thinking of them that NEOJIBA kept the classes and rehearsals online after the activities suspension from march 17 th 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic. Since today, until everything is back to normal, we’ll show here, in our social media, a bit about the routine of our members in their homes with online classes.
Post date: May 19 th 2020
Description: Today, May 19th, NEOJIBA ONLINE completes two months. In- person activities were suspended on march 17 th in order to maintain social distancing because of COVID-19 pandemic and two days after (03/19) the NEOJIBA online classes started. #NEOJIBA has been using digital platforms to keep the classes, rehearsals and psychosocial assistance at a 100% of its members. Music can’t stop and shall always be present at each neojibense’s home. The online classes are helping them to keep the technique and cross this period of social distancing. We’re showing in our social media how NEOJIBA ONLINE impacts our members and their families’ lives through videos like this.
Post date: June 16 th 2020
Description: “Learns who Teaches (“Aprende quem Ensina”, in Portuguese), the NEOJIBA motto became even stronger during this COVID-19 pandemic period. The scholarship musicians from the main formations of the Program became godfathers and godmothers of the youngest members, by collaborating with their musical activities online. Each one from your own home keeping music in their lives. In today’s #NEOJIBAemCasa, 4 members tell us a little about how this experience is going. The online classes are helping them to cross this period of social distancing. The #NEOJIBA also uses digital platforms to keep the musical activities and psychosocial assistance at a 100% of its members, after the classes and in-person rehearsals suspension in 03/17.
In the NEOJIBA CONNECTED, members of the Program present diverse popular and concert musical pieces, with instructors and coordinators guidance. Below are some of these videos that are on our YouTube and IGTV NEOJIBA, on Instagram.
NEOJIBA Connected – Double bass players from 2 de Julho Orchestra playing “Yesterday”.
Post date: June 01 st 2020
Description: Double bass players from the #NEOJIBA 2 de Julho Orchestra, got together online, each one from your own home, to play the song “Yesterday” from the english group The Beatles, with musical arrangement created by Almir Ribeiro. Click on the video and check it out!
NEOJIBA Connected – Members from the Music Practice Nucleos Cidade Sol Jequié singing “The Mouse”
Post date: June 12 th 2020
Description: Children have to study, play, create, do music!
Today, june 12 th, it’s The World Day Against Child Labour. In Brazil, about 2,3 million children and teenagers work, getting exposed to physical, sexual and psychological violence, now they’re also exposed to COVID-19. Anyone can denunciate child labour by #Calling100.
NEOJIBA wishes happy days to the kids all over the world through music and the talent of these lovely kids from from the Music Practice Nucleos Cidade Sol, in Jequié. In this video, they present the song “The Mouse” (“O Rato”, in Portuguese), written by Paulo Tatit and Edith Derdyk, from the group “Palavra Cantada”.
NEOJIBA Connected – Flutists playing the song “Melody From Orpheus”
Post date: June 15 th 2020
Description: NEOJIBA wants to let your sunday lighter. Our flutists from Castro Alves and 2 de Julho Orchestras got virtually together to play the song “Melody From Orpheus” with musical arrangements created by our transverse flute coordinator, Ana Julia Bittencourt. The musical piece’s author is the german Christoph Willibald Gluck. A big composer of his time and one of those responsible for an important renovation of the Opera Seria (or as its also known “dramma per musica” in italian).